People of Freedom - Joe

Introducing Joe!
Joe has been a frequent performer at Perform for Freedom Open Mic Nights since 2016 and continues to play with his band Bus Stop Hill, for whom he plays lead guitar and sings background vocals. (Keep a lookout for their new album coming this winter!!)

Joe is currently a grad student at Cornell, studying public health entomology. He stays involved with The Freedom Café because he enjoys the sense of community, the mission, and, of course, the music. Joe shared, "Going to the freedom cafe every Wednesday night taught me about community. Hearing Bryan speak about the mission made me feel like I was helping directly just by showing up and sharing my art. When I would listen to other's music - since it was always respectfully quiet during performances - I felt connected to the experiences of others. A lot of the performers would often wear their hearts on their sleeves. Now, when I think about the freedom cafe, and the mission to secure human rights for those in need, I see that it has become a part of me as a public health graduate student at Cornell."

When asked what he loves about the café, Joe put simply, "Freedom is awesome." Well, we think you're awesome too, Joe! Thanks for being such an active member in the Freedom Café community throughout the years!

Hobbies: hunting, fishing, running, learning new musical instruments

Favorite Freedom Café Drink: any hot tea!

#FreedomCafe #PerformForFreedom #BusStopHill #PeopleOfFreedom #Cornell #EndTrafficking #EndHumanTrafficking #BeTheChange #OneCupAtATime #HumanRights #BeAConsciousConsumer #ConsciousConsumerism #SocialJustice